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Весь контент PriSonerS61

  1. I reported this to support and they said it was a similar issue with SYS-1266. 4.3 beta 3 or higher should provide a solution to this problem.
  2. This feature, added in the latest developer software (4.3 beta 0.1), may solve your problem. interface {name} sfp init-timeout (auto | {timeout}) — set SFP module initialization timeout in seconds
  3. Then you can do something like this: name,url,username,password You can create a .csv file with the format and import it via settings > password > list > click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and import .csv. The browser will now remember your password. (e.g. keenetic,,admin,eralde) Yes there is no chrome://inspect on this browser. I don't know if it is chromium based or not but I have root access on my phone. /data/data/com.mycompany.app.soulbrowser /shared_prefs/ I found a file called WebViewChromiumPrefs.xml in the directory. Maybe this is an indication that it is chromium based. This is the content of the .xml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?> <map> <int name="lastVersionCodeUsed" value="579016631" /> </map> All other files in the directory are encrypted, so I couldn't read them. My only opinion on this is this: The browser does the password filling automatically right after the page is loaded (onload function) and there is no clicking on the input fields. This is why the username and password at the bottom are confused with my username and password. When the browser autofills the username and password, just before logging in it looks like this: However, if I click on the input fields and type my username and password myself, it looks like this just before I log in. I think the problem is here...
  4. @eralde Can you prioritize this problem please? I can accidentally ban myself when logging in. It takes too long to type the username and password manually. In 4.1 Alpha 3 there is no fix for this issue. https://forum.keenetic.com/topic/16704-страница-входа/?do=findComment&comment=169169
  5. I follow my Keenetic on grafana and I can provide you with 2 graphs on this topic. 1) Keenetic cpu utilization graph for 1 week. In the last 1 week the device was used at 4.1 Alpha 1. 2) I have been using version 4.1 Alpha 2 for the last 10 hours on average, so I present you the cpu usage graph for the last 6 hours. In summary, there is no increase in average cpu utilization in version 4.1 Alpha 2
  6. Hello. I have a small complaint about this. I use "soul browser" on mobile. The automatic password filling feature no longer works properly with the new interface. Even though the username and password are automatically entered correctly, login is not possible. The username or password is incorrect. If I delete the autofilled information and type it in manually, it logs in correctly. I think there is a small bug here that you need to fix. I'm not sure, but maybe it has a problem because the auto-filled information overlaps with the text at the bottom. I have faith that you will fix it. It worked fine with the old interface.
  7. This is a known issue. It has been diagnosed by @eralde and will be fixed in the next release.
  8. I solved the above mentioned issue by entering the following two commands in keenetic. - no ip nat Guest - ip static Guest PPPoE0
  9. Unfortunately, your method didn't work for me. However, there is a development related to my problem. Queries were not appearing in adguard home at all, as the Keenetic firewall by default rejects guest network dns queries. So I wrote a rule allowing in firewall > guest segment and it worked, queries now flow into adguard home. But another problem arose Queries are flowing to the wrong place. All queries made from the guest network segment appear as in adguard home. I think I need to fix this on adguard home side, how can I do that?
  10. I don't understand the images very well. As far as I understand, I should write the adguard home ip address in the dns1 part of both segments. This place is for sure. This is how I did it too. I guess to write the home network ip address you also made in the guest network gateway part, is it correct? When I type in the Guest Network Gateway and try to save it, it is automatically deleted. By the way, I should also say this. When I examined the packets in Wireshark, I saw that the guest network DNS queries went to the adguard home ip address "" . So I think there is no problem in DHCP part, but I can't understand why it's not working in guest network when it's working from home network. Can you tell me what I should do through my pictures? Home segment (working) https://ibb.co/zNQR6zP Guest segment (Not working) https://ibb.co/N9PhxSQ
  11. Hello. I am using adguard home on Asus tinker board 2S. IP address of the device: In order for the devices to use adguard home, I wrote in the dns section of the dhcp header in the home segment and guest segment in keenetic. While I can see the home segment ( queries on adguard home, I cannot see the guest segment ( queries on adguard home. What do you think is the problem ? bind_host: bind_port: 3000 . . . dns: bind_hosts: - port: 53
  12. Output "show internet status" for repeater / extender device Output "show internet status" for the main device
  13. I'm having the same problem on Alpha 11. The repeater / extender device warns that there is no internet. 4.0 alpha 10 did not have this problem. As far as I noticed, dns is not visible on the interface of the device with repeater / extender. In the past, dns appeared here. I guess it might be related to that.
  14. I think the problem is with the interface. Console output is as follows. @eralde https://ibb.co/pnk0Gfg
  15. @TheBBAny progress for pyload? When will it be back in the warehouse?
  16. In 3.9 alpha 2 the restart timing setting seems to be disabled. There is no problem in 3.8.2, it seems active.
  17. Can these plugins be installed ? https://github.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/wiki/Unofficial-search-plugins
  18. I tried manual installation several times but got an error. The error I'm getting is this: Unacceptable file type, only normal file is allowed
  19. Thanks @eralde I would like to report a few bugs 1) The error is already very clear in the picture https://ibb.co/3006R1B 2) If you are on a screen narrower than 397 px, the text will disappear. Because it won't fit. (Turkish language) (There is no problem with the English language) https://ibb.co/X2BfPMW 3) Menu is broken in mobile view https://ibb.co/mF26Vx2
  20. How can I upgrade to Adguard-home beta? Something is being done from the adguard-home conf file, but I don't know exactly how. I'm trying to learn it. @TheBB
  21. Hi, I'm wondering about something. I am using "aria2", which is an opkg package. if you restart the modem while downloading something or if electricity goes out, the active download is deleted. The file is still on the disk, but after the restart, the download does not resume where it left off. Is there any way to fix this?
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