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  1. Спасибо за подробную информацию. Является ли аппаратным ограничением то, что usb не включен в аппаратное ускорение?
  2. Здравствуйте, У меня есть Keenetic Hero KN-1012. Многие пользователи используют порт 2.5G для ISP и хотят иметь еще хотя бы один выход 2.5G. Возможно ли это с помощью USB? Я хотел бы попробовать. Мне интересно, какой пропускной способности он может достичь. У меня есть USB ethernet-адаптеры RTL5186. Прежде всего, для теста iperf я использовал два ПК, конечно, сервер и клиент. Я провел тесты Lan-to-Lan и Wan-to-Lan / Lan-to-Wan. Я заметил, что процессор Keenetic загружен, это нормально? Тесты Lan-to-wan и Wan-to-lan показали более низкие значения, чем я ожидал. Мы столкнулись с ограничением или это может быть проблема с драйвером? --------------------------------------------- lan to lan server side -t10 -p2 test lan to lan server side t10 test lan to lan server side -t10 --bidir test lan-to-wan / wan-to-lan test (pc act like a iss) Является ли мой тест в соответствии со сценарием, о котором я говорил выше, правильным? (Сценарий заключался в том, чтобы иметь возможность распределять скорость 1G+ из WAN по другому ethernet).
  3. I dont user this feature, I have no problem at all.
  4. Some users from Türkiye said that the problem persists. After a while, the list disappeared again. And one user said that it was fixed when disabling automatic client registration. I also use this feature disabled. I think I only saw the problem after the first update. Restarting fixed it. And it still looks okay. Hidden thread. @Test Pilot @eralde
  5. Video_2024_10_12-1.webm +1 @eralde @Test Pilot
  6. But after restarting whole mesh, shown clients back to normal.
  7. Can u try it on 4.1.7 stable?
  8. Is there a WoL packet sent log in the system logs? For example:
  9. Fixed!

    GetAPP QR Improvement

    @eralde @Anna_ I think some improvement is needed here. https://dropmefiles.com/uZ15v
  11. Some text was missing. @eralde @Anna_
  12. Hello, I want to thank you again and again for the new interface. @eralde and all GUI developer team. There is a more minimal image in the traffic monitor section. But I want to make a request. The color set used is shades of yellow and green. I am color blind. I especially have trouble distinguishing between green and red tones. Can a color palette selection feature be added to this page or across the entire interface? Example:
  13. There is such a situation. @eralde
  14. HWNAT, I turn it on from system settings. After reboot it appears to be off.
  15. Hello, As in the 4.2.A.9 and 4.2.A.10 versions, in the 4.2.A.11 version, simple DNS entries are deleted from the DNS list after the update.
      • 1
      • Лайк
  16. Fixed. 4.2.A.10 Thanks
  17. Interesting. While spinning on wifi-mesh page, I just only one time refresh the page, and now page works normally all the time.
  18. There were problems with both updates yesterday. I quickly posted some of it from the Keneetic telegram group. DNS records are also deleted with 4.2.A.9.
  19. Refresh (F5 or Ctrl+F5) wifi mesh page, back to normal
  20. For 1. port; interface 1 description "ExampleName" system configuration save
  21. Thank you for the detailed information. And I thought the problem was on Avencom side. I'll have it double-checked.
  22. Hello, I am sharing the self-test file in the next message for review. Thank you.
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