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UsbLte0 initialization failed



Есть два роутера (Hopper и Ultra), есть 2 модема Fibocom l860-gl. На Hopper симка от Мегафон, на Ultra от Yota.

С начала лета на Ultra перестал работать родной модем Yota, поменял на 860й, думал проблема в самом модеме. Но сейчас на новом постоянно ошибка "Не готов". При этом симкарта на несколько секунд моргает как Готова и снова пропадает. Pingcheck выключал и включал, роутер многократно перезагружал, ничего не помогает.

На Hopper проблема началась 2 недели назад. Начал грешить на симку, поменял ее в салоне, но проблема не исчезла. Удалось заставить подключится только через сброс до заводских настроек с последующей загрузкой своего конфига. Модем подключился, собрал 3 частоты (В7+В3+В7). Зашел в настройки чтобы отключить В3 и после этого опять ошибка "Не готов" и снова симкарта то "Готова", то пропадает. Опять сброс до заводских настроек, загрузка конфига и после минут 15 ошибки смог наконец то подключиться. Больше не трогаю, так как уже не хватает нервов с этим бороться.

Вот что это за беда началась? Год все работало как часы, менял что хотел и никаких проблем не было. Это что-то операторы у себя поменяли или это изменение в прошивке Кинетика? Автообновление включено, версии последние. На Ultra перешел на предварительную 4.0.3 с надеждой что там будет лучше, но проблема не ушла.

13 answers to this question

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2 минуты назад, ssedov сказал:

Вот что это за беда началась? Год все работало как часы, менял что хотел и никаких проблем не было. Это что-то операторы у себя поменяли или это изменение в прошивке Кинетика?

Да всё что угодно. Может оператор "оптимизировался" и проредил свои вышки вокруг вас. Начните с опсоса и с официальной ТП.

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Опсос вчера ответил что у них нет ограничений на использование симкарты в других роутерах (можно ли им верить?). Тариф у меня для роутера на ней. До этого пробовал ее в свистке 3372 (или как то так он называется), с какого-то раза сеть подцепилась.

В ТП Кинетика тоже написал вчера, но пока ответа не было.

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1 час назад, ssedov сказал:

можно ли им верить?

Как показывает жизненный опыт и практика в 99% - нет и ваш случай весьма похож на то, что мяч на стороне опсоса. 

Всё выше сказанное - ИМХО. Засим откланиваюсь.

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@ssedov пробуйте обновлять прошивку на L860. Но можно и диагностику собрать с текущего модема. Нужно сделать interface UsbLte0 debug и снять селфтест.

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@ssedov похоже что в настройках: все диапазоны выключены.
Что касается версии прошивки, то 18600.5001. для некоторых модемов является конечной стабильной(остальные приводят к постоянной перезагрузке), следовательно обновлять её не нужно.
Я только что проверил работу именно такой версии и не обнаружил проблем в сети Yota.

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@vst, это остатки от экспериментов. Включил диапазоны через правку стартового конфига и заливку на роутер. По другому изменения не сохранялись. Сейчас в логах вот так:

[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:13 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "ATE0" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CFUN=1" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMEE=1" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CGPIAF=1,0,0,0" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CGMI?" (expect "CGMI"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CGMI: "Fibocom"" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+FMM?" (expect "FMM"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+FMM: "L860 LTE Module","L860"" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+FMR?" (expect "FMR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+FMR: "18600.5001."" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "ATI9" (expect "^[^\+]{1}.*$"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> ""V1.2"" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CGSN?" (expect "CGSN"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CGSN: "015335000078165"" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+XACT=?" (expect "XACT"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+XACT: (0-6),(0-2),0,1,2,4,5,8,101,102,103,104,105,107,108,112,113,114,117,118,119,120,125,126,128,129,130,138,139,140,141,142,146,166" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME","ME","SM"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGF=0" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CCID" (expect "CCID"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CCID: 8971100001049830905F" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CIMI" (expect "^\d{15}$"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "250110104983090" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::Mvno: "UsbLte0": matched 25011, APN: "yota.ru". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CREG=0" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CEREG=0" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CGATT=0" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+COPS=2" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CGDCONT=0,"IP"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CGDCONT=0" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+XACT=2,,,1,2,4,5,8,101,102,103,104,105,107,108,112,113,114,117,118,119,120,125,126,128,129,130,138,139,140,141,142,146,166" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","yota.ru"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+XGAUTH=1,0,"",""" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+XDATACHANNEL=1,1,"/USBCDC/0","/USBHS/NCM/0",2,1" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+XDNS=1,1" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:15 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CGACT=1,1". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CME ERROR: 130". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[W] Aug 22 14:35:16 ndm: UsbLte::Connection: "UsbLte0": initialization failed. 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:17 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:18 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:20 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:22 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "CPMS"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="ME"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,4,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPIN?" (expect "CPIN|CME ERROR"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPIN: READY" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CPMS="SM"" (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CPMS: 0,15,0,4,0,15". 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 <-- "AT+CMGD=?" (expect "CMGD"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "+CMGD: (),(0,1,2,3,4)" (got it). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --- (expect "OK"). 
[I] Aug 22 14:35:23 ndm: Mobile::TtyDevice: "UsbLte0": tty0 --> "OK" (got it). 


  • 0

@ssedov И по итогу получаем, что модем по кругу пытается стартануть, но всё заканчивается ошибками "+CME ERROR: 130" и "initialization failed". Верно?
Пока не понятно как интерпретировать эту ошибку и как её избежать...

  • Upvote 1
  • 0

@vst, да, так и есть. Гоняет по кругу одно и тоже. Но сейчас вижу что "+CME ERROR: 130" пропала после того как удалил из конфига опции mobile lte disable-band (все что там были) и перезагрузил роутер (на втором роутере Hopper с l860-gl в стартовом конфиге все диапазоны disable, но он подключился к сети Мегафон, это второй проблемный роутер с таким же модемом).

В веб интерфейсе это выражается в том что сим карта на 3-4 секунды пишет статус "Готова" и потом он пропадает.

  • 0

Сейчас поставил симкарту Билайн, все подключилось сразу же. Чего этой Yota не хватает....

  • 0

Бред какой-то. После симки билайна заработала Yota. Думаю можно закрыть обсуждение.

Ничего не понял, но оно как то само начало работать.

  • Confused 1
  • 0

Проверьте сим-слот в переходнике для 860-го модуля. Возможно плохой контакт.

  • 0

Техподдержка Yota ответила что была техническая проблема со статическим IP адресом из-за которой мне не удавалось подключится. Сейчас она исправлена. Пришло это сегодня, подключение заработало вчера. Есть связь одного с другим не ясно 🙃

  • 0
В 22.08.2023 в 11:57, Mamay сказал:

Как показывает жизненный опыт и практика в 99% - нет и ваш случай весьма похож на то, что мяч на стороне опсоса. 

2 минуты назад, ssedov сказал:

Техподдержка Yota ответила что была техническая проблема со статическим IP адресом из-за которой мне не удавалось подключится. Сейчас она исправлена. Пришло это сегодня, подключение заработало вчера. Есть связь одного с другим не ясно 🙃


  • Upvote 1

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