- 0
https-dns-proxy: xxxx: curl error message:
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Передёрнул перекл. "Разрешать имена при помощи DNS-серверов подключений в интернет". Пропал доступ в интернет, в жур. до ∞
[W] Dec 24 14:55:23 https-dns-proxy: 9A8C: curl error message: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received [W] Dec 24 14:55:24 https-dns-proxy: 84F6: curl request failed with 0: No error [W] Dec 24 14:55:24 https-dns-proxy: 84F6: curl error message: Operation timed out after 10002 milliseconds with 0 bytes received [W] Dec 24 14:55:24 https-dns-proxy: 40AF: curl request failed with 0: No error [W] Dec 24 14:55:24 https-dns-proxy: 40AF: curl error message: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received [W] Dec 24 14:55:24 https-dns-proxy: B383: curl request failed with 0: No error [W] Dec 24 14:55:24 https-dns-proxy: B383: curl error message: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received [W] Dec 24 14:55:24 https-dns-proxy: 2787: curl request failed with 0: No error [W] Dec 24 14:55:24 https-dns-proxy: 2787: curl error message: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received [W] Dec 24 14:55:25 https-dns-proxy: 0D6D: curl request failed with 0: No error [W] Dec 24 14:55:25 https-dns-proxy: 0D6D: curl error message: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Откл. L2TP & Port - нет реакции, пока не удалил DoH serv CF, доступ не восстановился. Жур. до этого почистил, был весь забит:
[I] Dec 25 00:13:31 ndm: Dns::Secure::DohConfigurator: fallback to built-in DNS to resolve "cloudflare-dns.com". [I] Dec 25 00:15:26 ndhcpc: GigabitEthernet1: received ACK for from lease 600 sec. [I] Dec 25 00:15:32 ndm: Dns::Secure::DohConfigurator: fallback to built-in DNS to resolve "cloudflare-dns.com". [I] Dec 25 00:20:26 ndhcpc: GigabitEthernet1: received ACK for from lease 600 sec. [I] Dec 25 00:20:32 ndm: Dns::Secure::DohConfigurator: fallback to built-in DNS to resolve "cloudflare-dns.com".
огрызок self-test прилагаю.
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