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2 часа назад, RVP сказал:

я расчитывал что по mysql_install_db создает все что нужно для старта, может стоит добавить в инструкцию?

пакет править надо (((

2 часа назад, Melandr сказал:

Но хотел уточнить пару моментов:

1,2,3 не знаю, данного устройства на руках нет.

рекомендуется установка "машки" на раздел не менее 1 GB

11 hours ago, TheBB said:

1,2,3 не знаю, данного устройства на руках нет.

рекомендуется установка "машки" на раздел не менее 1 GB

А что Вы имеете ввиду? У меня установлен Entware на флешку 4ГБ, отформатированную под Ext2. Роутер RT-AC66U B1 is powered by a 1GHz dual-core CPU, 128MB of flash memory, and 256MB of RAM.

Прошивка оригинальная, по Вашему же совету, возможно, на другом форуме, сделал альтернативную установку Entware. Сорри за оффтоп, насчет АСУС. Не знаю, почему такое отторжение. Но вопрос относится больше к ПО MySQL и репозиторию Entware. С Линукс на Вы, потому и спрашиваю много, так как не толкается это с первого раза. И смотрю, что проблемы не только у меня на Асусе, но и у других пользователей Кенетиков.

Выше товарищ  RVP, наступил на теже грабли. Кстати на Гитхабе нашел, Zyxmon тоже что-то, относящее к запуске MariDB , объяснял пользователю Асуса, правда тема достаточно старая. В принципе, если у Вас нет устройства, то какие-то понятие и понимание, что нужно делать есть? Я бы мог на своем это повторить, и потом бы другим было бы проще. Я так понимаю проблема больше относится не к конкртеной модели роутера, а вообще, к установке MariDB.

5 часов назад, Melandr сказал:

А что Вы имеете ввиду?

Как-то разбирали с одним из пользователей ("машка" брыкалась, царапалась, кусалась, но так и не дала...) установку на раздел в пол гектара (512 МВ). Стоило ему увеличить его (здесь, "его" - енто размер раздела, а не ... того), "машка" сразу же (не, не дала, а вскочила и вприпрыжку понеслась) установилась... И, даже, запустилась... сам в шоке.

5 часов назад, Melandr сказал:

Не знаю, почему такое отторжение.

Хотели бы отторгнуть, давно бы забанили.

5 часов назад, Melandr сказал:

Выше товарищ  RVP, наступил на теже грабли.

Нет, он наступил на другие (любезно подложенные owrt`шниками и неубранные мной)

20 часов назад, Melandr сказал:

2020-02-07 12:55:34 0 [ERROR] mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 130760704 bytes)

Ну-у, пришел дядка Карачун (ООМ)

20 часов назад, Melandr сказал:

Installing MariaDB/MySQL system tables in '/opt/var/lib/mysql' ...
Segmentation fault

Ну-у, настал кирдык (Segmentation fault)

Как, не имея на руках железки для отладки, что-то советовать (даже, если это устройство потенциального врага конкурента, превращать его в окирпиченную тыкву мы (я) не будем)


Вот нашел старую тему, на другом форуме, кстати, Вы писали порядок действий. http://forums.zyxmon.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5220&hilit=mysql&start=10 Все повторял как там. Я понимаю, никто никому не обязан помогать. Но подсказать где можно посмотреть, в чем проблема. Команды то вводятся те же.

Подключил своп-файл размером 256 МБ. Пока скрипты на автозапуск своп-файла не делал.

Ввожу команду  mysql_install_db --datadir=/opt/var/mysql --basedir=/opt --force

Вывод в консоли


admin@RT-AC66U_B1:/tmp/home/root# mysql_install_db --datadir=/opt/var/mysql --ba
sedir=/opt --force
Could not find plugin directory.
Will continue with "/opt/lib/mariadb/plugin".
Installing MariaDB/MySQL system tables in '/opt/var/mysql' ...
Segmentation fault

Installation of system tables failed!  Examine the logs in
/opt/var/mysql for more information.

The problem could be conflicting information in an external
my.cnf files. You can ignore these by doing:

    shell> /opt/bin/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=~/.my.cnf

You can also try to start the mysqld daemon with:

    shell> /opt/bin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables --general-log &

and use the command line tool /opt/bin/mysql
to connect to the mysql database and look at the grant tables:

    shell> /opt/bin/mysql -u root mysql
    mysql> show tables;

Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths.  Using
--general-log gives you a log in /opt/var/mysql that may be helpful.

The latest information about mysql_install_db is available at
You can find the latest source at https://downloads.mariadb.org and
the maria-discuss email list at https://launchpad.net/~maria-discuss

Please check all of the above before submitting a bug report
at http://mariadb.org/jira


Вывод лог-файла ошибок mariadb


2020-02-08 19:38:48 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Linux Native AIO interface is not supported on this platform. Please check your OS documentation and install appropriate binary of InnoDB.
2020-02-08 19:38:48 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Linux Native AIO disabled.
2020-02-08 19:38:49 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Failed to set memory to MADV_DONTDUMP: Invalid argument ptr 0x4b8c4000 size 134217728
200208 19:38:49 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 11 ;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.

To report this bug, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/reporting-bugs

We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, 
something is definitely wrong and this may fail.

Server version: 10.4.10-MariaDB
It is possible that mysqld could use up to 
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 351726 K  bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Thread pointer: 0x0
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
stack_bottom = 0x0 thread_stack 0x30000
The manual page at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/crashing.html contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.
Writing a core file...
Working directory at /tmp/mnt/FLASH/var/mysql
Resource Limits:
Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit           Units     
Max cpu time              unlimited            unlimited            seconds   
Max file size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max data size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max stack size            2088960              unlimited            bytes     
Max core file size        0                    0                    bytes     
Max resident set          unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max processes             1996                 1996                 processes 
Max open files            4184                 4184                 files     
Max locked memory         65536                65536                bytes     
Max address space         unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max file locks            unlimited            unlimited            locks     
Max pending signals       1996                 1996                 signals   
Max msgqueue size         819200               819200               bytes     
Max nice priority         0                    0                    
Max realtime priority     0                    0                    
Max realtime timeout      unlimited            unlimited            us        
Core pattern: core


1 час назад, Melandr сказал:

Installing MariaDB/MySQL system tables in '/opt/var/mysql' ...
Segmentation fault

^ я вижу в самом начале ошибку, дальше можно не смотреть, всё - приплыли, амба, сушим вёсла, мочим корки...я понятия не имею, почему падает (Segmentation fault); у меня нет устройства (А*) для отладки


С учетом всех комментарий, изменений и дополнений по теме установки и запуска mariadb, "Машка" продолжала ругаться, не давая выполнить команду mysqladmin -u root password "Passw0rd"

Ниже части лог файлов после команды: mysqld --port 13307 --socket=/tmp/temp-mysqld.sock

2020-02-09  2:16:03 0 [ERROR] mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/opt/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid' (Errcode: 2 "No such file or directory")
2020-02-09  2:16:03 0 [ERROR] Can't start server: can't create PID file: No such file or directory

mysqld: Can't change dir to '/opt/var/lib/mysql/' (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied")
2020-02-09  2:30:29 0 [ERROR] Aborting

Получилось назначить пароль для root командой mysqladmin -u root password "Passw0rd"
после создания соотв. директорий и/или выдачи прав на соотв. папки выполнением команд:
mkdir /opt/var/run/mysqld  
chown -R mysql:mysql /opt/var/run/mysqld
mkdir /opt/var/lib/mysql
chown -R mysql:mysql /opt/var/lib/mysql


Виталий Огеенко, спасибо!

По Вашему совету сделал 

mkdir /opt/var/run/mysqld  
chown -R mysql:mysql /opt/var/run/mysqld

и mysql запустился

Лог ошибок


2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using generic crc32 instructions
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 5M, instances = 1, chunk size = 5M
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Failed to set memory to MADV_DONTDUMP: Invalid argument ptr 0x4b814000 size 5242880
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Failed to set memory to MADV_DONTDUMP: Invalid argument ptr 0x4bd35000 size 33554432
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Failed to set memory to MADV_DONTDUMP: Invalid argument ptr 0x4de04000 size 2097152
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: page_cleaner coordinator priority: -20
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Failed to set memory to MADV_DODUMP: Invalid argument ptr 0x4de04000 size 2097152
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: 128 out of 128 rollback segments are active.
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ...
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB.
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: 10.4.10 started; log sequence number 140087; transaction id 21
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /tmp/mnt/FLASH/var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 200209 11:03:23
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] Reading of all Master_info entries succeeded
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] Added new Master_info '' to hash table
2020-02-09 11:03:23 0 [Note] /opt/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '10.4.10-MariaDB'  socket: '/opt/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  Source distribution

Вывод консоли


admin@RT-AC66U_B1:/tmp/home/root# mkdir /opt/var/run/mysqld
admin@RT-AC66U_B1:/tmp/home/root# chown -R mysql:mysql /opt/var/run/mysqld
admin@RT-AC66U_B1:/tmp/home/root# chown -R mysql:mysql /opt/var/lib/mysql
admin@RT-AC66U_B1:/tmp/home/root# /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld start
admin@RT-AC66U_B1:/tmp/home/root# /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld status
mysqld is already running


Скрытый текст


BusyBox v1.31.1 () built-in shell (ash)

~ # opkg list-installed
busybox - 1.31.1-1
dropbear - 2019.78-2a
entware-release - 1.0-2
findutils - 4.7.0-1
grep - 3.3-1
ldconfig - 2.27-9
libc - 2.27-9
libgcc - 8.3.0-9
libndm - 1.1.10-1a
libpcre - 8.43-2
libpthread - 2.27-9
librt - 2.27-9
libssp - 8.3.0-9
libstdcpp - 8.3.0-9
locales - 2.27-8
ndmq - 1.0.2-5a
opkg - 2019-06-14-dcbc142e-2
opt-ndmsv2 - 1.0-12
poorbox - 1.31.1-1
terminfo - 6.1-5
zoneinfo-asia - 2019c-1
zoneinfo-europe - 2019c-1
~ # 
~ # opkg list | grep ^mariadb | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs opkg install
Installing mariadb-client (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-client_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-common (1.0-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-common_1.0-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libiconv-full (1.11.1-4) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libiconv-full_1.11.1-4_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libatomic (8.3.0-9) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libatomic_8.3.0-9_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing zlib (1.2.11-3) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/zlib_1.2.11-3_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libopenssl (1.1.1d-2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libopenssl_1.1.1d-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libncursesw (6.1-5) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libncursesw_6.1-5_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libncurses (6.1-5) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libncurses_6.1-5_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libedit (20191025-3.1-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libedit_20191025-3.1-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-client-base (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-client-base_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Package mariadb-client-base (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing mariadb-client-extra (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-client-extra_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Package mariadb-common (1.0-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing mariadb-server (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libaio (0.3.112-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libaio_0.3.112-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing liblzma (5.2.4-5) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/liblzma_5.2.4-5_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing resolveip (2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/resolveip_2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-base (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-base_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Package mariadb-server-base (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing mariadb-server-extra (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-extra_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-ed25519 (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-ed25519_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libuuid (2.34-2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libuuid_2.34-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk

^CInterrupted. Writing out status database.              <=== сеть упала, пришлось прервать и перезапустить

~ # opkg list | grep ^mariadb | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs opkg install
Package mariadb-client (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-client-base (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-client-extra (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-common (1.0-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-server (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-server-base (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-server-extra (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-server-plugin-auth-ed25519 (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libuuid (2.34-2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libuuid_2.34-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libcomerr (1.45.4-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libcomerr_1.45.4-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libss (1.45.4-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libss_1.45.4-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing krb5-libs (1.17-2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/krb5-libs_1.17-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libpam (1.3.1-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libpam_1.3.1-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam-v1 (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam-v1_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-disks (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-disks_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-feedback (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-feedback_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-file-key-management (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-file-key-management_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-archive (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-archive_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-blackhole (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-blackhole_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-connect (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-connect_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libxml2 (2.9.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libxml2_2.9.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federated (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federated_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federatedx (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federatedx_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-sphinx (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-sphinx_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-spider (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-spider_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-handlersocket (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-handlersocket_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-locales (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-locales_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-metadata-lock-info (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-metadata-lock-info_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-query-cache-info (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-query-cache-info_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-query-response-time (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-query-response-time_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-server-audit (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-server-audit_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-simple-password-check (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-simple-password-check_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-sql-errlog (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-sql-errlog_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-wsrep-info (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-wsrep-info_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Configuring libpam.
Configuring libatomic.
Configuring mariadb-common.
Configuring libiconv-full.
Configuring zlib.
Configuring libopenssl.
Configuring libaio.
Configuring liblzma.
Configuring resolveip.
Configuring mariadb-server-base.
Configuring mariadb-server.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-auth-ed25519.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-query-cache-info.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-disks.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-server-audit.
Configuring libncursesw.
Configuring libncurses.
Configuring libedit.
Configuring mariadb-client-base.
Configuring mariadb-client.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-wsrep-info.
Configuring libuuid.
Configuring libcomerr.
Configuring libss.
Configuring krb5-libs.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-sphinx.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-blackhole.
Configuring libxml2.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi.
Configuring mariadb-server-extra.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-metadata-lock-info.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-file-key-management.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-locales.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-feedback.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-sql-errlog.
Configuring mariadb-client-extra.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-simple-password-check.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-archive.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-spider.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-connect.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam-v1.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-handlersocket.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federatedx.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federated.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-query-response-time.
~ # 
~ # mysql_
mysql_convert_table_format  mysql_fix_extensions        mysql_plugin                mysql_setpermission         mysql_upgrade
mysql_find_rows             mysql_install_db            mysql_secure_installation   mysql_tzinfo_to_sql         mysql_waitpid
~ # mysql_install_db 
Could not find plugin directory.
Will continue with "/opt/lib/mariadb/plugin".
WARNING: The host 'ХХХ' could not be looked up with /opt/bin/resolveip.
This probably means that your libc libraries are not 100 % compatible
with this binary MariaDB version. The MariaDB daemon, mysqld, should work
normally with the exception that host name resolving will not work.
This means that you should use IP addresses instead of hostnames
when specifying MariaDB privileges !
Installing MariaDB/MySQL system tables in '/opt/var/lib/mysql' ...
2020-02-09 18:14:43 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Linux Native AIO interface is not supported on this platform. Please check your OS documentation and install appropriate binary of InnoDB.
2020-02-09 18:14:43 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Linux Native AIO disabled.

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy
support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system

Two all-privilege accounts were created.
One is root@localhost, it has no password, but you need to
be system 'root' user to connect. Use, for example, sudo mysql
The second is root@localhost, it has no password either, but
you need to be the system 'root' user to connect.
After connecting you can set the password, if you would need to be
able to connect as any of these users with a password and without sudo

See the MariaDB Knowledgebase at http://mariadb.com/kb or the
MySQL manual for more instructions.

You can start the MariaDB daemon with:
cd '/opt' ; /opt/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir='/opt/var/lib/mysql'

You can test the MariaDB daemon with mysql-test-run.pl
cd '/opt/mysql-test' ; perl mysql-test-run.pl

Please report any problems at http://mariadb.org/jira

The latest information about MariaDB is available at http://mariadb.org/.
You can find additional information about the MySQL part at:
Consider joining MariaDB's strong and vibrant community:

~ # 
~ # mkdir /opt/var/run/mysqld
~ # 
~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld start
~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld check
Usage: /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld {start|stop|restart|status}
~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld status
mysqld is already running
~ # 
~ # ps | grep -v grep | grep mysq
32406 root      594m S    /opt/bin/mysqld --pid-file=/opt/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
~ # 
~ # mysqla
mysqlaccess   mysqladmin    mysqlanalyze
~ # mysqladmin -u root password "pass"
~ # 
~ # mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 12
Server version: 10.4.10-MariaDB Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> create database testing;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> create database testing100500;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> \q
~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld restart
~ # 
~ # ps | grep -v grep | grep mysq
  449 root      594m S    /opt/bin/mysqld --pid-file=/opt/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
~ # 
~ #


ЧЯДНТ? (про многопользовательскую систему не надо. кто знает это слово, написанное тут читать не будет)


С пользователем вопрос решил, так как захожу под админом, который суперпользователь, то сменил пароль пользователя musql.

Теперь бы только разобраться с монтированием swap-файла после перезагрузки, а то пришлось все ручками стартовать. Ну и было бы неплохо как-то прикрутить  phpmyadmin.

По сервисам mosquitto, lighhtpd, php стартанули после перезагрузки сами


Пробую установить phpmyadmin


admin@RT-AC66U_B1:/tmp# opkg install phpmyadmin
Unknown package 'phpmyadmin'.
Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package phpmyadmin.



Подскажите, возможно установить wordpress на диск ntfs без файла подкачки, или нужен ext4  и swap. И второй вопрос кто может удаленно установить wordpress за вознаграждение.

1 час назад, SKREBYSHI SKR сказал:

Подскажите, возможно установить wordpress на диск ntfs без файла подкачки, или нужен ext4  и swap. 

Во избежании лишних глюков и трабл, желательно не использовать ntfs.

On 2/9/2020 at 6:39 PM, TheBB said:
  Reveal hidden contents


BusyBox v1.31.1 () built-in shell (ash)

~ # opkg list-installed
busybox - 1.31.1-1
dropbear - 2019.78-2a
entware-release - 1.0-2
findutils - 4.7.0-1
grep - 3.3-1
ldconfig - 2.27-9
libc - 2.27-9
libgcc - 8.3.0-9
libndm - 1.1.10-1a
libpcre - 8.43-2
libpthread - 2.27-9
librt - 2.27-9
libssp - 8.3.0-9
libstdcpp - 8.3.0-9
locales - 2.27-8
ndmq - 1.0.2-5a
opkg - 2019-06-14-dcbc142e-2
opt-ndmsv2 - 1.0-12
poorbox - 1.31.1-1
terminfo - 6.1-5
zoneinfo-asia - 2019c-1
zoneinfo-europe - 2019c-1
~ # 
~ # opkg list | grep ^mariadb | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs opkg install
Installing mariadb-client (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-client_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-common (1.0-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-common_1.0-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libiconv-full (1.11.1-4) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libiconv-full_1.11.1-4_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libatomic (8.3.0-9) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libatomic_8.3.0-9_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing zlib (1.2.11-3) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/zlib_1.2.11-3_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libopenssl (1.1.1d-2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libopenssl_1.1.1d-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libncursesw (6.1-5) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libncursesw_6.1-5_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libncurses (6.1-5) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libncurses_6.1-5_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libedit (20191025-3.1-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libedit_20191025-3.1-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-client-base (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-client-base_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Package mariadb-client-base (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing mariadb-client-extra (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-client-extra_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Package mariadb-common (1.0-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing mariadb-server (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libaio (0.3.112-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libaio_0.3.112-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing liblzma (5.2.4-5) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/liblzma_5.2.4-5_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing resolveip (2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/resolveip_2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-base (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-base_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Package mariadb-server-base (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing mariadb-server-extra (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-extra_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-ed25519 (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-ed25519_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libuuid (2.34-2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libuuid_2.34-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk

^CInterrupted. Writing out status database.              <=== сеть упала, пришлось прервать и перезапустить

~ # opkg list | grep ^mariadb | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs opkg install
Package mariadb-client (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-client-base (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-client-extra (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-common (1.0-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-server (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-server-base (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-server-extra (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package mariadb-server-plugin-auth-ed25519 (10.4.10-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libuuid (2.34-2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libuuid_2.34-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libcomerr (1.45.4-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libcomerr_1.45.4-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libss (1.45.4-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libss_1.45.4-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing krb5-libs (1.17-2) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/krb5-libs_1.17-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libpam (1.3.1-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libpam_1.3.1-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam-v1 (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam-v1_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-disks (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-disks_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-feedback (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-feedback_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-file-key-management (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-file-key-management_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-archive (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-archive_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-blackhole (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-blackhole_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-connect (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-connect_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing libxml2 (2.9.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/libxml2_2.9.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federated (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federated_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federatedx (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federatedx_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-sphinx (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-sphinx_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-ha-spider (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-ha-spider_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-handlersocket (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-handlersocket_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-locales (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-locales_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-metadata-lock-info (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-metadata-lock-info_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-query-cache-info (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-query-cache-info_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-query-response-time (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-query-response-time_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-server-audit (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-server-audit_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-simple-password-check (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-simple-password-check_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-sql-errlog (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-sql-errlog_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Installing mariadb-server-plugin-wsrep-info (10.4.10-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/mariadb-server-plugin-wsrep-info_10.4.10-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
Configuring libpam.
Configuring libatomic.
Configuring mariadb-common.
Configuring libiconv-full.
Configuring zlib.
Configuring libopenssl.
Configuring libaio.
Configuring liblzma.
Configuring resolveip.
Configuring mariadb-server-base.
Configuring mariadb-server.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-auth-ed25519.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-query-cache-info.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-disks.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-server-audit.
Configuring libncursesw.
Configuring libncurses.
Configuring libedit.
Configuring mariadb-client-base.
Configuring mariadb-client.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-wsrep-info.
Configuring libuuid.
Configuring libcomerr.
Configuring libss.
Configuring krb5-libs.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-sphinx.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-blackhole.
Configuring libxml2.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-auth-gssapi.
Configuring mariadb-server-extra.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-metadata-lock-info.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-file-key-management.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-locales.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-feedback.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-sql-errlog.
Configuring mariadb-client-extra.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-simple-password-check.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-archive.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-spider.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-connect.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-auth-pam-v1.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-handlersocket.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federatedx.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-ha-federated.
Configuring mariadb-server-plugin-query-response-time.
~ # 
~ # mysql_
mysql_convert_table_format  mysql_fix_extensions        mysql_plugin                mysql_setpermission         mysql_upgrade
mysql_find_rows             mysql_install_db            mysql_secure_installation   mysql_tzinfo_to_sql         mysql_waitpid
~ # mysql_install_db 
Could not find plugin directory.
Will continue with "/opt/lib/mariadb/plugin".
WARNING: The host 'ХХХ' could not be looked up with /opt/bin/resolveip.
This probably means that your libc libraries are not 100 % compatible
with this binary MariaDB version. The MariaDB daemon, mysqld, should work
normally with the exception that host name resolving will not work.
This means that you should use IP addresses instead of hostnames
when specifying MariaDB privileges !
Installing MariaDB/MySQL system tables in '/opt/var/lib/mysql' ...
2020-02-09 18:14:43 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Linux Native AIO interface is not supported on this platform. Please check your OS documentation and install appropriate binary of InnoDB.
2020-02-09 18:14:43 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Linux Native AIO disabled.

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy
support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system

Two all-privilege accounts were created.
One is root@localhost, it has no password, but you need to
be system 'root' user to connect. Use, for example, sudo mysql
The second is root@localhost, it has no password either, but
you need to be the system 'root' user to connect.
After connecting you can set the password, if you would need to be
able to connect as any of these users with a password and without sudo

See the MariaDB Knowledgebase at http://mariadb.com/kb or the
MySQL manual for more instructions.

You can start the MariaDB daemon with:
cd '/opt' ; /opt/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir='/opt/var/lib/mysql'

You can test the MariaDB daemon with mysql-test-run.pl
cd '/opt/mysql-test' ; perl mysql-test-run.pl

Please report any problems at http://mariadb.org/jira

The latest information about MariaDB is available at http://mariadb.org/.
You can find additional information about the MySQL part at:
Consider joining MariaDB's strong and vibrant community:

~ # 
~ # mkdir /opt/var/run/mysqld
~ # 
~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld start
~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld check
Usage: /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld {start|stop|restart|status}
~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld status
mysqld is already running
~ # 
~ # ps | grep -v grep | grep mysq
32406 root      594m S    /opt/bin/mysqld --pid-file=/opt/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
~ # 
~ # mysqla
mysqlaccess   mysqladmin    mysqlanalyze
~ # mysqladmin -u root password "pass"
~ # 
~ # mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 12
Server version: 10.4.10-MariaDB Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> create database testing;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> create database testing100500;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> \q
~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld restart
~ # 
~ # ps | grep -v grep | grep mysq
  449 root      594m S    /opt/bin/mysqld --pid-file=/opt/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
~ # 
~ #


ЧЯДНТ? (про многопользовательскую систему не надо. кто знает это слово, написанное тут читать не будет)

Добрый день! Подскажите пожалуйста, как запустить настройку безопасности MariaDB?

Пробовал разные варианты, не получается и всё тут...

У Вас в описании Ваших действий видно, что после установки всех пакетов MariaDB при вводе команды


выводится, как я понимаю, список доступных команд:

mysql_convert_table_format  mysql_fix_extensions        mysql_plugin                mysql_setpermission         mysql_upgrade
mysql_find_rows             mysql_install_db            mysql_secure_installation   mysql_tzinfo_to_sql         mysql_waitpid

Пакеты связанные с MariaDB у меня установлены все, в админку захожу, а команды не работают, так же не работает команда


Что не так делаю? Скриншоты действий прилагаю





3 часа назад, PapaRony сказал:

выводится, как я понимаю, список доступных команд:

"Tab" key (автодополнение/атозавершение)

3 часа назад, PapaRony сказал:

команды не работают, так же не работает команда

список доступных

Скрытый текст

~ # ls -1 /opt/bin/*maria*
~ # ls -1 /opt/bin/*mysql*
~ # 


3 часа назад, PapaRony сказал:

Что не так делаю?

"perl" ставить надо

34 минуты назад, TheBB сказал:

Тэк-с, "машка" поломана, запустил пересборку... 

Эвона как, а народ то не в танке... 

43 минуты назад, Mamay сказал:

Эвона как, а народ то не в танке... 

писать и пересобирать много дольше, чем исправить )))

перезалито для mips(el), остальные позже подтянутся...

можно вааще руками исправить


5 hours ago, TheBB said:

"Tab" key (автодополнение/атозавершение)

список доступных

  Reveal hidden contents

~ # ls -1 /opt/bin/*maria*
~ # ls -1 /opt/bin/*mysql*
~ # 


"perl" ставить надо

Спасибо за ответ! Набрал mysql_ нажал TAB появился список как у Вас.

5 hours ago, TheBB said:

Тэк-с, "машка" поломана, запустил пересборку... (в скриптах интерпретаторы "sh" vs "perl" сломаны)

Запустил opkg update потом opkg upgrade пакеты MariaDB обновились, стали доступны команды! Спасибо огромное!



  • 8 месяцев спустя...
  • 1 год спустя...
On 11/14/2020 at 8:16 AM, vadim245 said:

Результат первой "оптовой" установки: 

Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package php7-pecl-mcrypt.

Что не так? 

Вопрос актуален и для меня :)

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