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Fritz!Box & Keenetic Giga VPN Problem




I bought a Keenetic Giga 5 days ago. I have a Fritz'box 7390 at another city. 

I installed IPSEC package to my Keenetic Giga. I tried to configure it for creating a VPN connection to my Fritz!Box but no luck.

I can connect my Fritz!box via Shrewsoft VPN client but my Keenetic Giga could not establish a connection.

My fritz!boz have a static IP.

Any help for the configuration of My Keenetic Giga will be appreciated.

Best Regards,


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Posted (edited)

You can address your question to the official tech support in your country. Have you tried?

Yes I did. I searched and found this forum. I think that I'm at wrong place.


Yes I read it before asking. But if you read this article you will see that it is  for site-to-site VPN and Keenetic routers are at both sides. I have one Keentic and one Fritz!Box. I'm mentioning about "Remote Access VPN"

Best Regards,


Edited by TA3AS
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ShrewSoft VPN Client is an obsolete software for many years, so we can't recommend it to be used at all.

But if you really want, try to follow this brief:


At first, install IPsec package on Keenetic, perform configuration and enable Virtual IP (XAuth) server on Applications page (don't forget about users and their passwords).

Next steps should be performed at VPN Access Manager app.

Press "Add".

Go to "General" tab, fill in the field "Remote Host / Hostname or IP Address" with Keeentic WAN IP address or assigned domain name. Leave other fields on the tab and on the "Client" and "Name Resolution" tabs default.

Go to "Authentication", and in combo "Authentication Method" choose "Mutual PSK + XAuth". On subtab "Local Identity" choose "Identification Type" - "IP Address", and make sure that the checkbox "Use a discovered local host address" is set.

Go to "Phase 1", then select "Exchange Type" - "main"; "DH Exchange" - "group 2"; "Cipher Algorithm" - "aes"; "Cipher Key Length" - "128"; "Hash Algorithm" - "sha1".

Go to "Phase 2", then select "Transform Algorithm" - "esp-aes"; "Transform Key Length" - "128"; "HMAC Algorithm" - "sha1", "PFS Exchange" - "disabled", "Compress Algorithm" - "disabled".

Leave settings on "Policy" tab unmodified.

Save, select the created connection and press "Connect".

Login and password you must know from Virtual IP configuration stage.

Here you are, message "tunnel enabled" will show you that everything works.

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Hi @Le ecureuil


ShrewSoft VPN Client is an obsolete software for many years, so we can't recommend it to be used at all.

But if you really want, try to follow this brief:

Thank you very much for this great tutor. But my problem is different. I'm not trying to  connect my Keenetic via VPN Client software such as Shrew Soft.

I'm trying to connect my Fritz!Box  from my Keenetic Giga. I want to create remote access VPN to my Fritz!Box. I did not configure my Keenetic for Remote Access VPN to my Fritz!Box. I need help to configure my Keenetic. I'm asking about Keenetic configuration.

I'm attaching a screen capture about my Fritz!Box settings. Maybe it can be a clue.

Thank you very much again for your understanding and great support.


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