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Весь контент vamiw64767

  1. Hello @eralde version of the plugin behave this way. the crc part disappears after a while. I hope you fix it as soon as possible. https://youtube.com/shorts/uhWYyt0_9lk?feature=share
  2. I know how to see it as a table in excel, but I don't know how to see it as a graph. i need to research it
  3. So how do I draw the graph of this csv file? with which program?
  4. Hello, how can I convert the dsl information in the modem to graphics, for example, I want to convert the line statistics report into graphics. how can I do it ? is there an opkg package for this? I want to see all dsl information in graphs like this program does http://dslstats.me.uk/
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