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Помогите настроить Jamulus
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Vadim Ivanov
Привет! Помогите разобраться/настроить порты для софтины Jamulus, (совместная игра на музыкальных инструментах) не вижу ни одного сервера
поменял роутер делинк 620 на GIGA и AIR, система подключения выглядит так: [роутер МТС F680]-GIGA как основной контроллер и дополнительно по шнурку захвачен AIR, уже компьютер так же по шнурку подключен к AIR.
Я тыкал тыкал, так и не понял что и куда. ХЕЛП!
Супорт софта даёт такие рекомендации:
Operating a central Jamulus server behind a NAT (network router)
Note that the following instruction must not be done if you register your server at the official jamulus central server since in that case the NAT port is opened automatically.
If a Jamulus central server is operated behind a NAT (network router), a port forwarding to the computer running the Jamulus server software has to be setup in the router. The default port for the current version of the Jamulus software is 22124.
You have to open your firewall for the UDP (not TCP) protocol for the port you run Jamulus server with.
E.g., for a Linksys router, this setting can be found in the following settings dialog:
See also portforward.com.
You do not need to open a port range as shown in the example above as long as you want to start only one instance of the Jamulus server on the same machine.
When using a different port than the default port of Jamulus server (22124) you have to enter the port number after the server name or ip address separated by a colon in the Jamulus client (e. g. jamulus.dyndns.org:22120).
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