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i have Keenetic Giga.

my cable connections:



Name: Keenetic_Giga
Workgroup Name: Workgroup

SMB: Enabled


I inserted the USB stick in keenetic, it works normally.

My problem: In my own internal network, I cannot see Keenetic.

does not open.

I'm typing the \\  not working.
It works as normal.


What is the problem?



Изменено пользователем TanerJames

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  В 22.07.2021 в 00:21, TanerJames сказал:

What is the problem?


You are trying to connect from WAN, from Giga's point of view. By default firewall prevents connections from public networks (WAN).  You can switch router to the Access Point mode, or  you can create permissive rules in the firewall.

https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000578240-Firewall     https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000571060-Access-Point-Extender-Mode

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  В 22.07.2021 в 08:14, werldmgn сказал:

You are trying to connect from WAN, from Giga's point of view. By default firewall prevents connections from public networks (WAN).  You can switch router to the Access Point mode, or  you can create permissive rules in the firewall.

https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000578240-Firewall     https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000571060-Access-Point-Extender-Mode


so, will it work if I use the LAN port instead of the WAN port?

Do I have to change the operating mode to access point ?

I don't want anyone else to reach my Local network (as a guest)



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To try:
I added ICMP firewall rule for PING, ping response is coming.



Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64


What firewall rule is required for SMB? 145 and 139 ?

Изменено пользователем TanerJames
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  В 26.07.2021 в 07:11, TanerJames сказал:

What firewall rule is required for SMB? 145 and 139 ?


You can just open all tcp and all udp for network source.

  В 25.07.2021 в 20:13, TanerJames сказал:

so, will it work if I use the LAN port instead of the WAN port?


For that to work you need to disable dhcp server on Giga and manually add ip-address on Bridge0 interface. This will be equivalent to switching the device to the Access point mode. That's why I said that the easiest way is to switch your Giga to access point mode.

  В 25.07.2021 в 20:13, TanerJames сказал:

I don't want anyone else to reach my Local network (as a guest)


This has nothing to do with switching to the access point mode.

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I switched to "access point" mode to test it. Yes, the USB stick worked without any problems. 

But there is no guest mode feature in this mode, guest mode in router mode is speed limiting etc. 
I created a new segment , but there is no option for speed limiting. I guess the features change with the two modes.


Also, since it is an "access point", it started to distribute IP from my other router's DHCP to all wifi devices (microtik)
In terms of security, it would be better for me if wifi users connect to the internet via keenetic (firewall etc).




I will try other things you said for router mod.

Thanks again.

Изменено пользователем TanerJames

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