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    hero 4g

Достижения Okotara


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  1. у меня проблема при входе на локальный IP, чтобы зайти в BusyBox через Termius, ввожу root, пароль: keenetic но в этот момент мне пишет 👤 Starting a new connection to: "" port "22" ⚙️ Starting address resolution of "" ⚙️ Address resolution finished ⚙️ Connecting to "" port "22" 👤 Connection to "" established ⚙️ Starting SSH session ⚙️ Remote server: SSH-2.0-server ⚙️ Agreed KEX algorithm: curve25519-sha256 ⚙️ Agreed Host Key algorithm: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ⚙️ Agreed server-to-client cipher: aes256-gcm@openssh.com MAC: INTEGRATED-AES-GCM ⚙️ Agreed client-to-server cipher: aes256-gcm@openssh.com MAC: INTEGRATED-AES-GCM ⚙️ Agreed client-to-server compression: none ⚙️ Agreed server-to-client compression: none ⚙️ Handshake finished 👤 Checking host key: bf:64:4c:8b:15:79:63:7d:ef:f8:04:6f:6b:ac:cd:2a 👤 Host "":"22" is known and matches 👤 Authenticating to "":"22" as "root" ❗ Disabling authentication using publickey: Private Key is empty ⚙️ Available client authentication methods: password,keyboard-interactive ⚙️ Authentication that can continue: publickey,password 👤 Authenticating using password method ❗ Authentication failed (password) ⚙️ Partial success: no ⚙️ Authentication that can continue: publickey,password 👤 Authenticating using password method ❗ Authentication failed (password) ⚙️ Partial success: no ⚙️ Authentication that can continue: publickey,password 👤 Authenticating using password method ❗ Authentication failed (password) ⚙️ Partial success: no ⚙️ Authentication that can continue: publickey,password 😨 No more authentication methods to try что нужно сделать или какой то другой пароль нужен?
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