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Весь контент iamrasch

  1. Добрый день! При попытке старта xray получаю одно и то же на всех версиях, подскажите пожалуйста, куда копать? Конфиги использовал и свои и из "ленивого метода", не помогает. ~ # xkeen -start Xray запущен Xray 1.8.4 (Xray, Penetrates Everything.) Custom (go1.21.0 linux/mips) A unified platform for anti-censorship. 2023/09/17 11:32:30 Using confdir from arg: /opt/etc/xray/configs 2023/09/17 11:32:30 [Info] infra/conf/serial: Reading config: /opt/etc/xray/configs/._07_inbounds.json Failed to start: main: failed to load config files: [/opt/etc/xray/configs/._07_inbounds.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/._08_outbounds.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/._10_routing.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/01_log.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/02_stats.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/03_dns.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/04_reverse.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/05_fake-dns.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/06_transport.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/07_inbounds.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/08_outbounds.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/09_policy.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/10_routing.json /opt/etc/xray/configs/11_fallbacks.json] > infra/conf/serial: failed to decode config: /opt/etc/xray/configs/._07_inbounds.json > infra/conf/serial: failed to read config file at line 1 char 1 > invalid character '\x00' looking for beginning of value
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