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  1. Thank you. Next time such thing will happen i will perform the test and bring the log.
  2. I ran 2.16.D.12.0-8 for two weeks and noticed WiFi connection drops rarely on my Android, it was few times per day and it happen for short time like few seconds, Android search for connection dialog pop-up and reconnect, but two days ago, the connection dropped and mobile Android couldn't find the router AP, tried to add guest one and it worked but the main one stayed hidden until i disabled it and then reenabled it, still after few minutes it disappeared again, disabling the guest made it appear for a few minutes only to disappear again, i reverted to 2.16.D.12.0-4 and it worked for few hours with no problem, tried to 2.16.D.12.0-8, and the connection wasn't visible like offline ! Now on 2.16.D.12.0-4 it more than a day and the connection is stable and everything OK, the connection didn't drop for once and the logs confirm that. Ps: didn't reset the settings on the router on any of the firmware update procedure, so the same settings tested on both firmwares. Ps: can't remember for sure, but i think that i noticed some weird WiFi stuff on 2.16.D.12.0-6 also.
  3. Thank you, and here steps to reproduce with only two tunnels, NetAssist is currently in enabled and working Now if i click on the switch to make HE (Hurricane Electric https://tunnelbroker.net/) active and disable the first one Now both are disabled and not working, i have to click on the second one and activate The thing is, i can't have them configured to Use for accessing Internet even when one is disabled Also if i clicked on the disabled one and enabled the Use for accessing Internet this will disable the same setting for the other one After that both tunnels are not working.
  4. When you have two tunnels configured with "Use for accessing the Internet" enabled, while one of them is enabled and the other is disabled, switching between them automatically disable "Use for accessing the Internet" each time and you need to adjust this setting every time manually.
  5. IPv6 in IPv4 tunnel is configured and working fine. WiFi connected mobile clients (Android) have applications that prefer IPv6 over IPv4, the traffic from these clients are not reported in "Host traffic monitor", disabling the tunnel make the traffic visible and it is huge something like 20Mbytes, while when the tunnel is enabled and these application are using IPv6 the network looks slow and it is hard to figure which client is responsible for the traffic. ps: sorry for using English here, i can read Russian, but can't write it without lot of mistakes.
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