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    Extra DSL

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Достижения some_dsl_problems


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  1. Ok, thank you for the response.
  2. @Le ecureuil any good news?
  3. @Le ecureuil if it helps, I can give you remote acces to my pc, to save your time.
  4. seems like getting better http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/67223515
  5. I love you 😍
  6. I have no idea about shaping, or what shaping is. Its a 32mbit vdsl connection as far as I know
  7. VDSL no other wan connection
  8. it made a litte difference
  9. For comparison, this is what I get my old wrt1900ac (via ethernet) in between my pc and dsl extra: Device has LEDE & SQM QoS Enabled
  10. Hello again, Im back home. Before upgrading I made a test with 3.4.12 Qos enabled : after upgrade 3.6 beta2 without Qos installed: Upload did improve but no change on download. After installing and enabling with auto bandwith mesurement Qos almost the same results like without Qos: (upload same improvement but no change on download) After installing Opkg traffic control support: still no change on download. And also I couldt find any settings on opkg package in ui. Qos doesnt seem to do anything. Without it, router acts the same. Do I miss something? (all test made with ethernet, no other device connected also)
  11. currently I am on work, I will get back home and try 6-7 hours later & give feedback. Thank you.
  12. some_dsl_problems

    SQM like luci

    Hello, I have just upgraded my dsl modem to Keenetic Extra DSL last week. I am very happy with the interface. Very nice and clean design. But my main goal to buy this device was only sqm/openwrt. Since it is advertised to support openwrt packages I touht that I can install or as in front of the box it says QOS so I made up my mind and bought it. When I open the interface and enable QoS it said QoS is not queuing only work on torrent traffic. Which lowered my expectations and I have opened the dslreport speed test but there were no change on my buffer bloat score (D). So I installed the entware but it also doesnt support sqm-scripts because it is a user mode addon. So I know sqm takes too much cpu but I dont need speed I need stable connection and no buffer bloat. My network is only 32mbit so extra dsl's cpu should and could easily handle that. SQM should be an industry standart on keenetic modems. Its the only thing I care when I buy one. Please add luci-app-sqm to keenetic. Best pings,
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