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Ahmed Ensar

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Весь контент Ahmed Ensar

  1. Google Translate: This is the result of opening ntce on a device with 64mb of memory. Even I have KN-2011 128 mb memory + swap but barely recover the memory cpu is not enough at this time. So I don't recommend qos without a high end device. Therefore, I closed ntce and opened hwnat.
  2. yukardaki de böyle.
  3. Yanlış biyer yok. sadece senin yazıyı çevirince 2. cümle yanlış çevrilmiş sanırım, kayıtsız cihazlarda görünüyor aynen senin dediğin gibi ben bunu yukardaki arkadaşa söylüyordum. Translate nin azizligine ugradık
  4. google çeviri öyle çevirmiş olabilir. yukarda medmax bana cihazı kayıtlı cihazlar listesinden sil demiş bende ona cihaz kayıtsız da olsa ntce listesinde görünüyor diye cevap yazmıştım.
  5. Google Translate: appears in the list on unregistered devices.
  6. Google Translate: my brother doesn't want me to look at his device usage with "ntce". I don't want to see my brother's device in the list, is there such an option? I don't want to delete the module completely.
  7. Google Translate: When usb swap is plugged in, ntce swap is using too much. When I say remove the swap partition or the driver from the applications menu, the driver cannot be removed due to excessive use, the same applies to the function button safe remove the driver. It would be nice if it does the feature of reducing ntce memory usage while updating, when we say remove the swap device. In addition, it would be better if a setting such as using swap can be added to ntce, because it seems like usb speed cannot reach ntce.
  8. Google Translate: When ntce is on, the cpu is 100%, if it stays like this for a long time, ntce gets into the bug and the internet goes, the only solution is to turn the modem off and on. I hope you solve the ntce cpu usage problem. Video (just a small sample 100% cpu usage)
  9. Google Translate: The ram usage problem has been solved, but the cpu problem still persists, I expect you to solve this problem with the next update. Also, ntce still doesn't support ipv6, i am suffering from this problem.
  10. + https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome kara listesi var diye biliyorum.
  11. no
  12. Google Translate: When ntce is on, usb2.0 swap speed is not enough, after a while there is lag. Can you add a feature to turn ntce swap usage on and off. "ntce swap disable" omni dsl
  13. Google Translate: Although I push the capacity, I can play the games very fluently, it works fine, thanks. Omni DSL (KN-2011)
  14. İntelliQos veya hız limitlendirmesi varmı kontrol et istersen.
  15. Ahmed Ensar


    Google Translate: I hope they fix these vulnerabilities.
  16. Ahmed Ensar


    Google Translate: Why does the user account without command interface authority have permission to enter this page and execute commands?
  17. ip http security-level public ssl system configuration save
  18. O zaman sorun Game+'da. Durumu ISS'na bildirirsen belki sorun onlardaysa çözebilirler. Diğer türlü Game+ ile iletişime geçmen gerekecek. Nvida'ya desen topu Turkcell'e atacak zaten.
  19. Kablo üzerinden hız testi yap bence, Game+ beta'dan yeni çıktığı için hız testinde sıkıntı olabilir. Kabo üzerindeki test düzgün ise 5 GHz ile test yap aynı hızı alamıyorsan wifi gelişmiş ayarları sayfası ss at buraya. Ayrıca akşam saatlerinde özellikle hafta sonu çoğu bölgelerde hız düşme sorunları var.
  20. Google Translate: I said about the dot-doh problem two months ago, nobody was interested.
  21. opkg install python3 python3-pip python3-dev gcc python3 -m pip install discord.py==1.6.0
  22. Google Translate: http://bin.entware.net/mipssf-k3.4/ Omni DSL // I will install a discord module. Discord module fails when I install python 3.9. How can I install python 3.7 which is located in archive folder. opkg install http://bin.entware.net/mipssf-k3.4/archive/python3_3.7.4-2_mips-3.4.ipk When I write code, python 3.9 is installed.
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